Articles by tag "Ethnomusicology"

Music of Minorities—“The Others from Within”? On Terminology and the History of Research in Austria
This article looks into the history of the disciplines folk music research and ethnomusicology (comparative musicology) using the Viennese case as a rather representative example for both disciplines. It includes a personal account as the author has been an eye witness of the developments during the last 40 years. It...
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Sounding Out Municipal Housing in Vienna: Ethnographic Insights into Music and Sound in the Anton-Figl-Hof
Municipal housing in Vienna, called Wiener Gemeindebau, is gaining new significance in research and cultural work in the discourse on affordable housing in the city and the increasing heterogeneity of urban life. However, it has also been a field imbued with the ideological projections, desires, and anxieties of various political...
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Discourse Analysis of the Historically Audible: A Cultural-Historical Approach to Sound Recordings from Colonial Contexts
In 1877, the invention of the phonograph enabled a new hearing practice that created a bridge between spaces and times. For the first time in human history, it was possible to record sound and replay it independently of its original source. The phonograph was used worldwide, including in regions where...
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